Resources for Medical Professionals


Discussing End-of-Life Care With Your Patients – Family Practice Mgt

In America, the art of doctoring is dying – The Washington Post

Patients with terminal cancer tend to live longer when cared for at home –

When Cancer Treatment Offers Hope More Than Cure – New York Times


The When’s and Why’s of Hospice Care for Physicians – Weinstein Hospice

Talking About Treatment Options and Palliative Care: A Guide for Clinicians – National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization

Creating Hope in a Hopeless Situation – When Care Moves Beyond Cure – Dr. Michael A. Dworkind, MDCM, CCFP, FCFP

Understanding Respite Care – National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)

Cancer Education and Awareness – American Cancer Society

Advanced Directives Form


Online or Self-Study CMEs

American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
AAHPM offers self study CMEs with booklets and CD-ROMs. Topics include current concepts in palliative care, a hospice medical director course, symptom management and disease updates.

American Medical Directors Association
The AMDA records the presentations of its annual symposium and makes them available as individual self-study CME courses. There is an extensive library of palliative care workshops, as well as sessions on hospice-LTC partnerships and working together as part of an interdisciplinary team.

Education in Palliative and End-of-life Care (EPEC)
The Continuing Medical Education Office of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine has made its palliative care modules available for online CMEs. Modules are on topics such as pain management; communicating bad news; withdrawing/withholding treatment; futility; and depression, anxiety and delirium. They also have special modules focusing on issues pertinent to oncology.

Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association
Incorporated in 1987, this membership organization works to promote standards in palliative care. In addition to their annual conference, they offer Continuing Education units for nurses via monthly teleconferences and multimedia CD-ROMs for self-study. They also maintain links to the websites of private organizations that sell self-study or online continuing education modules.

Previous Weinstein Hospice Professional Programs

Rx for Advanced Illness: Real “Health Care” for People, Not Just Patients – Brad Stuart, M.D.

Neurological Issues in End of Life Care – Gavin Brown, M.D.

Paving the Way for Palliative Care – Healed If Not Cured, Ron Sabar, MD
