State of the HomeLife 2023

State of the HomeLife 2023 Jeffrey A. Gopen, President & CEO   Hello everyone, What an inspirational morning this has been. First, I’d like to congratulate our honorees, Founder’s Award recipient Michael Axelrod, who couldn’t be here today; Chair’s Award...
2022 Annual Community Meeting – State of the HomeLife

Jeffrey A. Gopen Becomes CEO of Jewish HomeLife

On April 1, 2022 Chief Operating Officer Jeffrey A. Gopen became the new President & CEO of Jewish HomeLife following the retirement of longtime CEO Harley Tabak. The move follows the announcement in January that Tabak would step down in April, becoming the CEO...
Jewish HomeLife Names New CEO

Jewish HomeLife Names New CEO

Jewish HomeLife Names New CEO Jeffrey A. Gopen to succeed longtime CEO Harley Tabak in April 2022  ATLANTA (Jan. 10, 2022) Jewish HomeLife President and CEO Harley Tabak will retire at the end of 2022 after two decades of extraordinary service. The senior care...