There could not be a more appropriate time to ponder the meaning of “Getting to the other side.” As we drive forward in a world that has changed so much over the past two years, we have a moment to reflect upon what is important–family, friends, work that has meaning, work-life balance, colleagues you cherish, personal time, and giving. Things that we aspire to and things that inspire us as unique as we all are.
Now is time for positive change in the way we serve in both in our personal and professional lives. Let us get to the other side of isolation and loneliness, supporting one another with empathy and understanding. The pandemic is a living reminder of all that is difficult, but also all that we can overcome together. As Americans we have always found our strength through love, support, faith and kindness. We are reminded of this perhaps too often, but we must remember even when we are most challenged, that we must embrace opportunities to create bonds, connections and love that inspire us to appreciate the small things.
Love a little deeper, perform acts of kindness a little more often, and support the people and organizations you love with more sensitivity and generosity in times of need. If we do this, we will all get to the other side together.
Chag Pesach Sameach!
Jeffrey A. Gopen
President & CEO
Jewish HomeLife
You can find this special Passover Message Featured in The Atlanta Jewish Times April 15, 2022 Edition
About Jewish HomeLife
Jewish Home Life Communities (DBA Jewish HomeLife), supports every stage of the aging journey through our network of nine at-home care services and residential communities. Open to all, Jewish HomeLife includes The William Breman Jewish Home, Aviv Rehabilitation Center, Berman Commons, The Cohen Home, The Zaban Tower, The Jewish Tower, The One Group, JHL Medical Services and Weinstein Hospice. For more information visit