On Sunday, October 6th Jewish HomeLife will hold its annual community meeting to recognize new leadership, thank outgoing Board Members, and honor three community volunteers who have contributed so much of their time and effort to the organization.
The Frank Garson Founders Award recognizes “outstanding contributions and leadership over the years.” This year Jewish HomeLife will present the award to longtime friend of The Home, Billie Greenberg. Billie has chaired the fundraising and sponsorship efforts for the last several Auxiliary Galas, including the upcoming Gala to be held in November. Her leadership and personal solicitation efforts over the years have generated more than $1 million in sponsorships for this bi-annual event. We are thrilled to honor her with this award.
The Chair’s Award will be presented to two individuals in recognition of their leadership and commitment to Jewish HomeLife in the past year. Lisa Galanti has served on our Strategic Planning Committee and has spent the last year helping the organization evolve it’s brand into Jewish HomeLife. Her time and effort in making our family of services have a unified, cohesive brand will help older adults and their families better understand the full continuum of care and support services offered by the organization.
The Chair’s Award will also be presented to Joe Rubin. Joe currently serves on both the Jewish HomeLife Board as well as the Jewish Tower Advisory Board. His leadership and commitment to both organizations helped guide the successful transition of The Tower becoming part of JHL. Joe was also part of the leadership team that helped make Berman Commons a reality nearly five years ago. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated volunteer.
In addition to presenting awards to these distinguished honorees, outgoing Board Chair Deborah Maslia will pass the gavel to current First Vice Chair Michael Axelrod, recognize new board members and pay tribute to the outgoing leadership. The Annual meeting will be held at The William Breman Jewish Home on Sunday, October 6th at 11:30am with refreshments to follow.