Legacy Gifts & Bequests

While there are numerous types of planned giving vehicles, two very common and simple methods are to include a bequest in your will for The Vi and Milton Weinstein Hospice, Inc. or to purchase a life insurance policy with the proceeds paid to Weinstein Hospice.  Both methods give you the opportunity to assure that quality care for patients and families will be available when needed. Your legacy gift will help Weinstein Hospice sustain our mission.


There are three ways you can structure your bequest to the Weinstein Hospice:  a bequest for unrestricted purposes, a bequest for restricted purposes and a contingent bequest.

Unrestricted Purposes

Unrestricted bequests provide funds to be used for the greatest need at the time, as determined by Weinstein Hospice. An unrestricted bequest is especially valued by Weinstein Hospice because it allows us the opportunity to fund programs and services that are not reimbursed by other means. Examples of programs Weinstein Hospice offers that are not fully reimbursed by other means include:

  • Bereavement Programs
  • Support Groups
  • Good Mourning Program for Children, Teens and Families
  • Uninsured Patient Care

Restricted Purposes

Restricted bequests are typically used if you would like to create a fund to support a specific program. Often times these funds are created to honor a family member, honor a special individual or demonstrate the priorities of a family foundation.

Contingent Bequest

A contingent bequest takes effect only if the primary intention expressed in a will cannot be met; an example would be if you leave a gift to an individual who predeceases the donor

A Bequest of Securities or Cash

Bequests can be made as a bequest of cash or securities. Our Business Manager can provide information needed for a securities transfer.

Life Insurance

A legacy gift can also be structured by purchasing life insurance that will provide a gift to the Weinstein Hospice at the donor’s death. The proceeds of the life insurance policy can be used for unrestricted purposes or restricted purposes, as designated by the donor.

If you would like more information about naming Weinstein Hospice in your estate plan or as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, please contact Stephanie Wyatt at 404.351.8410 or [email protected].