It’s All About the Food.  

You’ll find dining with use surpasses all expectations of food service at an assisted living community. We understand sharing stories and creating memories during and after meals are an important part of our rich tradition. We make each mealtime special by offering delicious chef-prepared entrees and a wide variety of every day menu options. From customized omelets to soup du jour, our chef takes the time to visit with residents during each meal to ensure everyone has a satisfying dining experience. Special diet? No problem. We have options for you.

Our unique farm to table dining is sourced right from our backyard. Our garden, managed by our own resident Garden Club with assistance from staff, provides fresh fruits and vegetables for our chefs to create delicious seasonal creations that offer something for everyone.

In our spacious yet cozy dining room, residents enjoy three kosher-style meals and partake in plenty of snacks throughout the day and evening so families feel confident their loved one is eating regularly and enjoying meals with friends. In addition, our chef prepares wonderful feasts for holidays and Shabbat dinners, monthly theme nights, birthdays and other celebrations.

Farm to Table Dining.

Each season, our resident-led Garden Club gets to work choosing and planting seeds, then working together with the Activities team they maintain the garden and harvest the spectacular fruits and vegetables when they are ready. Once harvested, our chef creates delicious dishes that please even the most selective palate.   

Shabbat and Holiday Dinners.

Each Friday, residents participate in a traditional Shabbat dinner with singing, challah, candle lighting and blessings. On other holidays such as Thanksgiving and Passover, residents and their families enjoy a spectacular feast, creating and sharing memories with new friends and enjoying the camaraderie that emanates from The Cohen Home family. Please visit our photo gallery to see pictures from some of our holiday dinners.

Special Diet Management.

We will customize mealtime offerings to meet specific dietary requirements. Whether it is low sodium, diabetic, mechanically soft, gluten free or another therapeutic diet—our nurses and chef work together to ensure we provide delicious meals appropriate for each resident.

Kosher Style Dining.

At The Cohen Home, kosher-style means we do not serve pork or shellfish, and we regularly feature blintzes, lox, matzah ball soup, brisket, challah and other delicious Jewish comfort food in addition to other southern and regional favorites. We do our best to customize a dining experience respectful of personal levels of observance. Have a shellfish allergy? We’re perfect for you!

Pathways Neighborhood Dining.

For residents requiring maximum assistance at mealtimes, the family-style dining area in our offers a more intimate setting so residents can eat at their own pace with minimal distractions.

    Room Service.

    For residents recovering from an illness or recent hospital stay, we offer room service to help residents regain strength by maintaining healthy eating habits.
